Welcome to Cancer Survivor Blueprint…

This is going to be an amazing journey to learn how to survive cancer, no matter what cancer and what the doctors say. I have experienced too many people surviving after a death sentence by doctors, including myself. Doctors told me I might make it six months or possibly a year, but I would have to stay on chemo and do dialysis two times per week. I had an aggressive form of multiple myeloma. That was 9 years ago and without any chemo or dialysis.

You are now part of a special family of people that cares and wants only the best for you and your family. We will help you understand what cancer is, treatments, and options to survive this insidious disease. Cancer is a warning shot. It’s now time to look at your life, the food you eat, and stress levels, and make some serious changes in your life. Make those changes, sustain them, and you will live a long and beautiful life to see your children and grandchildren grow up.

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